Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

Creativity, action, service (CAS) is very essential core element of the Diploma Programme, involving students in a range of activities that take place alongside their academic studies.

CAS encourages students to be involved in local, national and international activities as individuals and as part of a team, enabling them to enhance their personal, interpersonal, social and civic development. It can be both challenging and a personal journey of self-discovery. At the same time, it provides an important counterbalance to the academic pressures of the rest of the Diploma Program. CAS activities are real and purposeful with significant outcomes, extending the student while involving planning, reviewing progress, reporting and reflection on outcomes and personal learning.

The emphasis in CAS is on helping students to develop their own identities, in accordance with the ethical principles embodied in the IB mission statement and the IB learner profile.

CAS enables students to demonstrate attributes of the Learner Profile in real and practical ways, to grow as unique individuals and to recognize their role in relation to others. CAS complements a challenging academic programme in a holistic way, providing opportunities for self-determination, collaboration, accomplishment and enjoyment.

The CAS programme formally begins at the start of the Diploma Programme (start of junior year) and continues regularly, ideally on a weekly basis for at least 18 months with a reasonable balance between creativity, activity, and service. Successful completion of CAS is a requirement to be eligible to be awarded the IB Diploma. Students reflect on their CAS experiences and provide evidence in their CAS portfolios of achieving the seven learning outcomes. There are three formal, documented interviews students must have with the CAS coordinator or advisor. The first interview is at the beginning of the CAS program me, the second is at the end of the first year, and the third interview is at the end of the CAS programme.
