Inter House English Dramatics

Inter House English Dramatics

The Inter-House English Dramatics Competition Report.

Thanks to the go ahead of The Dean, Mrs Isaacs, the Inter- House English Dramatics Competition came to fruition on Saturday, 14th August, at The online monster threw a tantrum and as a result the online streaming was reduced to a closed show for teachers and student participants.

But the show itself was astonishing! The students did not let a lack of stage, or audience deter them. From scripting, to acting, to directing to production they did it all, and that too with panache!

The trailers had been a precursor of the calibre of the showing and it lived up to every expectation. First was Barham with their psychological thriller’ Can you hear her?’. Next Savage came in with stunningly scripted court drama about violence in the home ‘ ‘SinghV/s Singh’. This was followed by Wilson’s play based on marital discord’ To reign in desolate Providence’. But the best came on at last with Palmer’s play” Charity Case’. The student actor’s stunned every one with their underplayed acting and their character portrayal. No wonder then, Palmer swept the awards. Tanmay Jalan won Best Actor, Keyaa Kothari won Best Actor (female), palmer took Best Director award and shared Best Production with Savage. It was Palmer all the way, followed by Savage, Wilson and Barham.

Judges, Vibha Bakshi, Perizaad Zorabian and Raell Padamsee were full of praise and there were several honorary mentions.

All in all, it was a Saturday of lovely surprises that proved that Cathedralites took their school motto to heart. When challenged they ‘Let it rip and Let it thunder!’

-Twila Fernandes-