CIS Membership

It gives me great pleasure to share the news that we have received accreditation from the Council of International Schools (CIS), an international organisation based in the Netherlands.

 After having cleared the first round, the assigned CIS officer had intensive sessions with different stakeholders of the school – Heads, teachers, HODs, students, counsellors, board members, HR Head and myself – to get a better understanding of our vision, systems and methodologies. A detailed report was then sent to the Accreditation Committee and finally they gave us their certificate of approval, making us a part of the CIS community of 1400 schools and universities across the world.

 The organisation usually gives recognition only to international schools so the fact that we met all the standards and criteria of their requirement paradigm is quite a feather in our cap!

 Cathedral draws its energy and character from each one of us, and we all do our bit to make it what it is. This is therefore a celebration of and for each one of us!

 Dr. S. Parmar