Outings – Std 3 – Visit to BPT Garden

The children of Standard 3 visited the BPT (Bombay Trust Port) Garden in Colaba on the 18th of April 2018 to learn about the different types of plants.

They were escorted by 16 adults in groups of ten.

The BPT Garden is vast and has a serene sea facing view. A wide variety of trees are grown here, right from the Casurina tree that prevents soil erosion to exotic palm trees used for beautification.

There were unusual trees like the cannon ball tree which has a fruit that looks like a cannon ball and the hidden flower tree which has flowers hidden underneath the branches.

They also got to see the cotton silk tree that has an unusual prickly needle like bark.

Thought it was a hot, sunny morning, the children were excited to learn about all the trees in the garden and moved about with much enthusiasm.