Eloquently Yours

Eloquently Yours

Imagine a world without language. One cannot even begin to imagine the chaos that will prevail. Eloquence or the art of beautiful expression can only be practised with proper understanding of the rudimentary blocks of language. ‘Eloquently Yours’ was an attempt by the teachers of the Middle School to present before the students these blocks that make up the building of beautiful articulation. Keeping this in mind, the Middle School’s English Department organised a program, ‘Eloquently Yours’ on the 12th of September, 2016. This was an intersection quiz. The topics for the same were as follows:
Std 5 – Spell-A-Spell
This comprised 2 levels. The first level was called ‘Guess the Correct Spelling’, where the students were shown 4 words through a PowerPoint and the children had to identify the correct spelling of the word. The second level was the ‘Rapid Fire’ round where the students had to spell as many words as they could in the allocated time.
Std 6 – Wiz-A- Word
This comprised 2 rounds. The first round was called ‘What’s the Good Word?’ The students would solve an anagram with the help of a given clue to get maximum points. This was followed by a round on Idioms and Proverbs that had to be guessed though images shown through a Power Point Presentation.
Std 7 – Orators Theater
This comprised 2 levels. The first level was called ‘Turncoat’. Each participant was given a topic. The student had to speak for a minute on the topic and for a minute against the topic. The second level was called ‘Just a Minute’, where each participant got a minute to speck on the topic extempore without any repetition or hesitation.

